I’m excited Hometown Buffet is Featuring Amelia Bedelia in their Thursday Night Family Nights. I remember her being really funny in the books and now our kids will get to know her.
Our kids really enjoy eating at HomeTown Buffet and having these activities along with the $1.99 price for kids is a win and always feels like a fun dinner treat for them. 🙂
Thursday nights through May 12th Hometown Buffet will be featuring Amelia Bedelia from children’s literature. All Children are invited to participate in different activities that celebrate words, science, cooking, and seasons. I decided to share this post because I think it’s a good learning opportunity for kids as well as eating good food and having fun!
Upcoming events include:
March 24th- “Let’s run for office!” Teaches kids the basics about election time and how to campaign by making slogans, buttons, and campaign promises before holding their own mini election.
March 31st- “Spring Selfie” is a great social media photo booth style experience, The whole family can take part in. Frames, decorations, and mini props will be provided.
April 7th- “Bake off “ Kids will be learning about cooking by baking one of Amelia Bedelia’s favorites — Apple Pie!!!
April 14th- “Recipes done right” helps kids see how important it is to follow instructions especially when baking. I’m pretty sure Amelia Bedelia has learned this lesson 😉
April 21st- “Fly a Kite” Celebrates one of Springtimes most popular activities by coloring and assembling a mini kite for flying or decorating.
April 28th- “Dream Pie” Invites children to explore their imaginations and their appetites with colorful design your own Pie creation to share.
May 5th- “The power of words that help out” Features Amelia Bedelia and her silly mix ups of common phrases as kids discover the multiple meanings of words and phrases during a Simon Says style game.
May 12th- “Magic Words” highlights Amelia Bedelia again showing how words can make a difference through manners and also through magic. There will be multiple magical demonstrations kids cam recreate at home 🙂
Family Nights at HomeTown Buffet start at 3:30 pm until closing. Kids under 11 eat for $1.99 🙂 2 kids per full priced adult meal. This also includes the kids drink!
Here’s our Giveaway!!!!
Includes Four Amelia Bedelia books, Stickers, Games and some meal coupons to enter please like/share/Comment on this post and tell us if you or your child is familiar with Amelia Bedilia!!! Good Luck!!
Winner will be announced on March 30th.
Another chance to win an amazing trip is over at http://www.AmeliaBediliaFamilyFunSweeps.com click for a chance to win a 7 night Caribbean Cruise for a family of four including air transportation courtesy of MSC Cruises.
Don’t forget to get some Tasty Dessert while the kids enjoy their time participating in events 😉

My boys have never heard of these books. But maybe now since I have a girl maybe she’ll be introduced to this character and love it as much as your kids do
My niece would love these books! Amelia Bedelia books were my favorite as a young girl!
We have read one book so far
She isn’t but I loved Amelia Bedelia as a child and would love to introduce her to the series.
My kids like Amelia Bedelia! I remember her as a child too.
I grew up with Amelia Bedelia and can’t wait to share and read these books with my kids!